Mallory Cullen

Mallory Cullen

Hi, I'm Mallory. I'm 21 years old and want to capture this time in my life. I love looking through my old journals and seeing who I was when I was 12 and I talked about how cool Taylor Swift was and how misunderstood I felt, or when I was 15 and went through the hardest things I have yet to face in my life. When I was 17 and fell in love for the first time and when I was 18 and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life (3 years later and I still don't). As much as I love looking back at my past journals where I kept all my secrets and most sacred thoughts, I wanted to have somewhere to look back and see who I was at 21. How I acted, what I thought. What I felt was important enough to post about, and how I spoke about those things.
